An android project consists of 3 main folders:

Sample project Structure

1) manifests             
2) java
3) res

*** Manifests folder consists of Android Manifest file. It's a XML file and it contains some basic information about the applications like 

--- Activities
--- Permissions
--- Orientation
--- App Theme
--- Services

*** Java Folder consists of all the java classes.

*** Res Folder contains 4 sub folders i.e 

we put all the images that we are using in the application here in this folder.

---layout :
 It consists of the layout XML file of the activities and other layouts.

It contains the icon of the application.

---values : All the dimensions , colours , Strings , themes can be predefined here to avoid the hardcoded warning(we'll see about that later). It is good practice to predefine strings ,dimensions etc here as when your application will become popular and you need it be in different languages then you can change it all in one place instead of searching the texts everywhere in your program and then changing it. we will be discussing how to predefine these values in the following posts.
